Calendar AND eVENTS

SOME of what we do each year includes the following. We would LOVE to have you involved in existing activities - or support you in a passion project of your own! Please come to the next PTO meeting, or sign up now to VOLUNTEER your time or ideas.

Ongoing and Annual PTO Events (outside of school hours) include:

  • PTO meetings (bi-monthly)
  • Jaguar Mix-Ups (school community mixers)
  • Jaguar Jaunt Fun Run (FUNdraiser)
  • Box Tops Drive (FUNdraiser)
  • Teacher Conference Meals (semiannual)

Ongoing and Annual PTO Service and Spirit Events (during school hours) include:

The King-Westwood PTO also participates in fundraisers for the annual 5th grade Sherman Lake excursion, including:

  • Pickles and Popcorn (Fridays)
  • Movie nights (occasional)