PTO Executive Board

King-Westwood PTO is about all parents, caretakers, and teachers working together toward a common goal - to create a better school and educational experiences for our children.

Board nominations are generally held in March, but we welcome involvement at any point in the year. We look forward to working with you!


Kristin Marschner is proud mom to three King-Westwood Jaguars, in 4th grade, 2nd grade and Kindergarten. She's an attorney and realtor and our current Board President. She's been involved with the PTO for 3 years and supports the PTO because she believes that parent involvement is the single most important driver of school and student success.


Jennifer Diget:

I have a senior and freshman at Kalamazoo Central who both attended King-Westwood. I work at King-Westwood Elementary as the child accounting secretary and have been involved with the PTO for 11 years. Over those years I have been involved as a parent, volunteer, chair of an several events and part of the executive board. My current role on the board is Secretary. I think being part of the PTO and being a staff member at the school has been very beneficial as I have been available to answer question by students, staff and parents. I feel its very important to be involved with the PTO because everything the PTO does is about and for the students. Their smiles are so worth it!

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Cynthia Keck is mom to three amazing kiddos: a freshman at Kalamazoo Central, a sixth grader at Linden Grove and a fourth grader at King-Westwood. She’s been involved in the PTO in one way or another for over nine years and communications chair on the board for four years. She greatly enjoys spending time with all of the kiddos and staff at our school and strives to make King-Westwood feel like a giant, fun-loving, family through the projects and events our PTO supports/provides!


Emily Mainstone is a mom of two; a freshman at Kalamazoo Central and a 2nd grader at King-Westwood. She works in drug research and is endlessly impressed by the creative and brilliant things science has to offer. She’s have been involved with King-Westwood on and off for the last 9 years, and spent the last three years as the fundraising chair of the PTO. Her primary goal is to contribute to building a community where all of the students and families feel welcome and included.


Carolyn Rhodes is mom to three children in KPS, in 7th grade, 4th grade and 2nd grade. She's an Occupational Therapist in the schools in VanBuren County and our current Co-Treasurer. She's been involved with the PTO in some way for the past 4 years. She joined the PTO board because she has a passion for bringing community together and a desire to support the school by providing opportunities and experiences for students that they may not otherwise have offered to them.

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Rebecca LaDuca has a 2nd grader and two incoming preschoolers, here at King-Westwood! A Sophomore at Kalamazoo Central helps keep the family organized, though. Rebecca works hard to build a sense of relationship and community in all aspects of life, is a Therapeutic Massage practitioner with her own small business, and she serves as the Community Chair for the Kalamazoo Breastfeeding Coalition, as well as on the Kalamazoo Metropolitan County Planning Commission.